Friday, October 17, 2014

Queenie by Jacqueline Wilson

It's 1953,the year Elizabeth is to be crowned Queen of England. Elise Kettle can't wait to go to London with her nan to see the Coronation Day celebrations. Unfortunately, they both got tuberculosis and each of them went to different hospitals . Who will take care of Elise when she's alone in the hospital?

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Give Peas A Chance by Morris Gleitzman

This story has many different characters from Misery Guts, Blabber Mouth, Second Childhood, Belly Flop, Adults Only, Teacher's Pet, Worm Story and Aristotle's Nostril, all written by Morris Gleitzman.  It includes different stories, including a story about a boy called Macques who feels sad because of his name.

The main story is about a boy named Ben who goes on strike and, because of this, he refuses to eat vegetables, which he used to enjoy. The reason is because he saw innocent children being killed.

Soon, all of the world's children were going on strike, and immediately countries began destroying their weapons. The USA was last, and they broke promises, but finally decided they had to because their culture would be ruined if kids continued to not eat McDonald's.

Soon after all weapons were removed, though, the USA used vegetables to invade a country. Since Ben's parents declared that if Ben didn't eat his vegetables, he would receive his old vegetables for the next day's dinner, they immediately began taking a chunk of Ben's vegetables and eating them because they thought it was disgusting that the USA were using veggies to invade a country. 

Monday, October 6, 2014

Gangsta Granny by David Walliams, Reviewed by Samuel Tsang

      I really enjoyed reading Gangsta Granny.  It is the fourth book that I read from the David Walliams collection.  It tells a story of a boy called Ben who loved plumbing and was forced to stay to stay with his boring Granny every Friday while his parents were away to ballroom dancing shows.  Granny always cooks cabbage foods which Ben hated and played scrabble all the time.

One day, Ben was shocked to see his Grandma smash through a window of a jewel shop and steal some jewels!  Ben tailed her to reveal that his boring granny was in fact  a real Gangsta.  His relation with his Grandma started to improve as he learned the secrets of her other life.

Read the book to find out how they venture to steal the crowns jewels.   A very funny and hilarious story.

Emerald Star

                                                                   Emerald Star

A book from the best-selling author. The final book of Hetty Feather's trilogy. Hetty found her father, Bobbie Waters, in Monksby, but it is not as easy as she thought. Katherine,, Bobbie's wife, and his children Mina and Ezra hate Hetty very much, they are jealous but soon Ezra and Hetty's relationship is better than before because Hetty saved Ezra from drowning. One day, Hetty's foster home sends her a letter. It said that her foster father had passed away all of a sudden. Hetty goes back to her foster home. She visited her foster family . At last, Hetty has her own way of her life.

I like this book because it is very touching and it tells me how poor a foundling girl is.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

The Penderwicks

                                                      The Penderwicks

The Penderwicks is a book about 4 sisters who are Batty, Jane,  Skye and Rosalind and a dog who go on holiday and meet a boy, together they go on lots of adventures through the mean ladys gardens and have lots of fun playing with rabbits and hound the dog. On their journey they meet the tomatoe man, the gardener, the cook, the mean ladys son and two rabbits. Then Skye loses her temper at the mean old lady. But then something horrible happens to Batty.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Demon Dentist by David Walliams

Demon Dentist by David Walliams is a very strange book.  It's about a dentist who actually is the Tooth Witch and a boy who defeats her. The main characters are Alfie, a boy who has not been to the dentist since he was six. Dad, Alfie's dad who used to be a coal miner but digging so deep effected his lungs and he suddenly collapsed on the ground and the he was evacuated to the hospital and the doctor told him never to go down a mine again. Winnie, a social worker who is very fat, wears multicolored clothes all the time and cannot say the 'th' sound. She says 'teet' instead of teeth. Miss Root a dentist who is secretly the Tooth Witch and her Cat, Fang.

Alfie's dentist died so Miss Root replaced him and she likes kids to call her 'Mummy'. Miss Root made her own toothpaste called Mummy Likes Your Teeth which burns right through stone. So it's basically toxic waste. Miss Root loves to have children come to her surgery for dental issues because she takes out all of their teeth and that happened to Alfie so he got a set of false teeth. When little kids put their tooth under their pillow hoping for the tooth fairy to come and leave a penny under their pillow, they find a cockroach, an eyeball, a bunch of centipedes, basically all the gross stuff. Miss Root is secretly the Tooth Witch and she uses the teeth she steals to build her lair in the old coal mine.

In the end Alfie discovers the lair of the tooth witch and the the witch finds him and tries to dump him in a cauldron full of 'Mummy Likes Your Teeth' but the Alfie's dad comes and saves him and dumps the witch in the cauldron but Alfie's dad had trouble breathing in the mine and when he got out he died and his funeral was the next day. On Alfie's dad's funeral Raj was the first one to burst into tears and Alfie was left as an orphan but Winnie asked if she could adopt Alfie and she was allowed. Five weeks later Winnie gets married but to who? It turns out it was Raj. Now Alfie had a stepdad who owns a candy shop! He had all the candy in the world!

I really liked this book because it had many made-up words, for example: 'headmasterishly'
it was really funny and I hope you guys will like it.

Matilda by Roald Dahl

Matilda is a book about a little girl about 4 years old that has mean parents but has a very young and nice teacher who she likes a lot. Over her school years she has to deal with a frightening principal who throws the hammer and throws people into the Chokey (read about that in the book!). Suddenly she finds she has a magic power to levitate items and uses this to her advantage as to knock out her principal. Her family then have to move to Spain because her dad is in a bunch of crooks but then her parents allow her to stay at her teacher's house forever.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Jedi Academy
This incredible, original story captures all of the humor, awkwardness, fun, and frustrations of middle school--all told through one boy's comics, journal entries, letters, doodles, and newspaper clippings. The setting? A galaxy far, far away...
 Roan's one dream is to leave home and attend Pilot Academy like his older brother, father, and grandfather. But just as Roan is mysteriously denied entrance to Pilot School, he is invited to attend Jedi Academy--a school that he didn't apply to and only recruits children when they are just a few years old. That is, until now...

This inventive novel follows Roan's first year at Jedi Academy where, under the training of Master Yoda, he learns that he possesses more strength and potential than he could have ever dreamed. Oh, and he learns other important things too--like how to make a baking soda volcano, fence with a lightsaber, slow dance with a girl, and lift boulders with the Force.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Ghost Knight

Ghost Knight is an awesome book. Jon Whitecroft, the main character of this book, never expected to enjoy boarding school, but on his first night he sees a bunch of crazy ghosts who call him "Hartgill". Coincidentally that was his mothers maiden name as well. Then he meets a quirky new friend who is called Ella Littlejohn and asks about the ghosts. She says that there is another ghost who can help him. So they have to summon the long dead knight William Longspee but at what cost?

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Ravens Gate by Anthony Horowitz

Ravens gate is a great book made by Anthony Horowitz it has lots of suspense and it is part of the series The Power Of Five. When Mathew Freeman runs into trouble Mrs Deveril takes him to where she lives so that he can learn some discipline, but wham Mathew finds out her secret everything goes wrong.  

By Dominic

Monday, February 17, 2014

The Hobbit

the hobbit is a fantastic book made by J.R.R tolkien  a hobbit that has a unexpected journey in to place he has never been and with dangers he could not face on his own therefore he is joined by 13 dwarfs and a wizard.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Artemis Fowl by Eoin Colfer

Artemis Fowl by Eoin Colfer

I really like this book because it was very interesting and lots of describing. It about a twelve year old boy who is a criminal genius and he is trying to restore his families fortune by kidnapping fairies. The boy has discovered a dangerous world beneath the ground full of fairies. But he underestimated their powers,they will fight back.

I think this story is good for people who like books that involve adventure and fantasy. This book is the first of seven books in the series. 

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

percy jackson sea of monsters

Percy Jackson sea of monster is an exciting fiction adventure book. It's about a teenage boy that find himself Poseidon's son.  He is trying to save Thalia's tree (daughter of Zeus) which can make a force field that can protect all demigod. To do that he has to go on an adventure with his statyr friend Grover and Athena's daughter annabeth for the life reviving golden fleece. Through the end the must battle the evil Kronos.


Harry Potter and the deathly Hallows.


Harry Potter and the deathly Hallows is a breath taking book staring Harry, who now is an adult wizard.
J.K. Rowling has ended the seres brilliantly, every part of the book is hocking you and making you read more. It is the beast and last book in the sequel making it the hardiest to wright because the book has to end happily with all questions answered.
Voldemort has to be killed in the most magic way possible.

By Cornelia Gower

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Private peaceful

By Michael Morpurgo

Private Peaceful is a heart breaking
book about a soldier called Thomas
"Tommo" Peaceful who is looking back on
his life in world war one when he
fought in the trenches in Belgium
along side his brother Charlie Peaceful.

I would really recommend this book to people who are interested in the war because Tommo experiences all the horrors of the first world war from gas attacks to crawling from trench to trench under heavy fire.There is also a part at the start where it shows you just how hard you have to work when you leave school to earn a living. 


Geronimo Stilton

Solar is a robot car his the only car that can talk,YES,talk that is not all
it can disappear in to air and loads more.Solar was made by Professor von Volt he is a secret scientist in New Mouse Island.

Anyway Carlotta is the bad guy in this story, she was jealous of solar so she tried steal Solar.  

The Butterfly Lion:by Michael Morpurgo

I really liked reading The Butterfly Lion because it was very interesting,with lots of unexpected twists and turns.
The book is about a remarkable friendship between a white albino lion and a little boy named Bertie.
When Bertie faces a problem,the butterfly lion comes to his aid,and Bertie does the same for his friend.
When they get separated,Bertie swears that they will see each other again someday.

Many years later a old woman tells Bertie's story to a young boy who has run away from home.

I think that people who like adventure stories will really enjoy this book.

By Rita Deutsch 6V

Hard Luck

                 Hard Luck is a really good book because the book is like a diary so we could see how its like being Greg and how he survives things that happens to him. So that
  we could learn what to do and what not to do so that we could learn what happens if we do something wrong.

By:Isaac 6V

Monday, January 20, 2014

Ramona and her father by :Beverly clearly

I think Ramona and her Father is a really good book because
its kind of a adventure to me and I really like books that are something to with adventure. I recommend this book to people who likes adventure books.
In this book her father loses his job, Ramona decides to help out. Maybe she can earn a million dollars making a TV commercial some of her ideas work and some don`t. Ramona knows all is right in her world.

By: Gursidak Nanda

Thursday, January 16, 2014

The Flying Beaver Brothers and The Mud-Slinging Moles

The Flying Beaver Brothers is a book that is written and illustrated by Maxwell Eaton II.It is the 3rd book in the series.

There is something Fishy going on in Beaver island, Brothers Ace and Bub hates it. Orange mud is flowing all around the island.They soon discovered that a mole called JoJo and his crew is trying to steal the dirt from beaver island for mud. Brothers Ace and Bub tries to stop them, can Ace and Bub save the island, or would Beaver island become a blob of mud?


MEANWHILE is a book with 3,855 story possibility book by Jason Shiga you get to choose your path and try to get the best ending I really enjoyed the book I could just never stop reading it. Its about a boy who is ready to order a choice of chocolate or vanilla ice cream but its more than that what could possibly go wrong oh wait you could  kill the whole world population but you. Which flavour would you choose?


By Maximilien Lambert

BFG, by Roald Dhal

BFG is one of my favorite books because Roald Dhal is my favorite author and this is a amazing book because it is perfect for my age and I love the setting of the book, the story of this book, the front cover and everything about it!!!

This story starts off about a little girl  and she meets this Big Friendly Giant and he takes her to his land and meets people on the way. this book is so funny and its perfect for anyone.

By Skye M. 6v 

The Son of Neptune By Rick Riordan

     I liked The Son of Neptune it was really interesting to read. It was all about a half blood called Percy and his Quest with two of his friends.  Their godly powers are really cool and I have learnt a lot about the Greek gods and some Roman from this book. I would read this book if you like action.

By Megan

Divergent by Veronica Roth

Beatrice Prior is 16 years old. There are factions that decide who you are,your friends and your life choices. Your faction is like your mother. There's even a saying Faction before blood. There are five factions:
Abnegation-Always thinking about others and never about yourself
Dauntless-The brave, never a coward
Amity-Always trying to find peace and happiness for yourself
Erudite-you think knowledge will give you prosperity
Candor- You say the truth and nothing but the truth, you never ever lie
But Beatrice is divergent. divergent is extremely dangerous. Divergent means you're different, you can't be categorised into a proper faction...and if somebody finds out she is divergent she could be executed.

Divergent is an amazing book because it has lots of adventure in it and romance. Divergent also has small twists in it that affect the story line a ton! I highly recommend this book to people who like adventure and reading about romance and combat fighting. This book is also apart of a three book series. There is also a movie for the Divergent book coming out on March the 21st.

Wonder By: R.J Palacio

I really loved this book because it was very detailed and basically the story was copied the whole way through again and again but in different perspectives.

This story is about a young boy who has a dis formed ability and everybody looks at him differently. He used to be home schooled but he seems to find himself in a school with some good friends....

I commend this book for all ages because it is very interesting and fun to read and this book is a very
good time passer.

By: Elizabeth Henricksen (lizzi)


Poor little witch girl by Marie Desplechin is about a 11 year old Verbena who's mother and grandmother are both witch's and she can't seem to get her mother to stop bugging her about being a witch and why she can't be an ordinary girl.
I really enjoyed this book and I recommend this book to any girl in year 6

Jordyn Dubinsky                        

First Term at Malory Towers by Enid Blyton

This is a great book because the author ( Enid Blyton) really described the setting and the scene very well.

The story starts when this girl Darrell Rivers goes to boarding school for the first time. She meets really kind friends like Alicia and pretty mean friends like Gwendoline. The head teacher Mrs Potts a.k.a( Mrs Potty) is very strict and always loses her temper.
Suddenly, in the middle of the term something strange happens and Darrell thinks she is in trouble.

I recommend this book to children from 8 years old to even adults because this is a really fun and amazing book to read with family.

by: Natalie 6V 

Ramona and her father by Beverly Clearly